Teacher Training
Current Issues of American Culture in the EFL Classroom: Annual ASC Meeting 2017
Organized by Dr. Julia Nitz (MLU Halle-Wittenberg)
Annual American Studies Committee Meeting 2017
November 23-25, 2017, Lutherstadt Wittenberg
This is the sixteenth time teachers from across Germany will meet in Wittenberg for a seminar consisting of lectures and discussion periods with the aim of promoting the presence of American Studies in the EFL classroom. Furthermore, the results of the meeting are used for publications of teaching resources on the webpage of the Muhlenberg Center for American Studies.
The group consists not only of teacher coordinators but also of advanced teacher students and students who want to become teachers. They are also involved in the organization phase, so that the contents and aims of the seminar are aligned with the needs of teachers and teaching practitioners in general, and also by those who are new to the profession. Thus, the seminar is not only an event for continuing education in the field of American culture and history, but also a platform where teaching practitioners from different areas and at different levels can network and share their experience in teaching America relevant topics.
This year’s program can be viewed in entirety below.
Additionally, feel free to download this year’s talk and workshop abstracts as well as the respective speaker bios.
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Thursday, November 23 | 15:00 | Arrival and Check in |
16:30 |
Welcome and IntroductionRepresentative of the Consulate General Leipzig |
17:00 |
“Searching for the Truth: The New Social Media Environment in the USA”Jeremy D. Mayer (Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University) |
19:00 | Dinner Buffet (Leucorea Library) | |
20:00 |
Reading: “Donkey Hotey Saving America—Maybe”Michael Lederer |
Friday, November 24 | 8:00 | Breakfast (Leucorea) |
9:00 |
Lecture: “Encountering the Other, in American Literature and in the Classroom: The Pedagogical Value of Travel Texts”Monica Cure (Biola University, CA) |
10:00 |
Lecture: “Worker Rights, the Global Economy and the Politics of Development”Layna Mosley (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) |
11:00 | Coffee Break | |
11:30 | Conversation groups with lecturers | |
13:00 | Off time | |
15:00 |
Workshop I: “Kleindeutschland in New York City and Chinatown in San Francisco in the Late Nineteenth Century”Christina A. Ziegler-McPherson (German Maritime Museum Bremerhaven) |
16:30 | Coffee break | |
17:00 |
Workshop II: “American Stereotypes in the EFL-Classroom”Jana Honegger (University Jena) |
19:00 | Thanksgiving Session at Best Western Stadtpalais Wittenberg “Discussion of Cultural Varieties of the Thanksgiving Tradition” Moderator: Julia Nitz (MLU Halle-Wittenberg) |
Saturday, November 25 | 8:00 | Breakfast (Leucorea) |
9:00 | Welcoming Remarks by Martina Kohl (U.S. Embassy, Berlin)
Lecture: “Never the Oval Office? From Eleanor Roosevelt to Michelle Obama—First Ladies and Their Social and Feminist Agenda”Martina Kohl (HU Berlin) |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 |
Workshop: “‘In English My Name Means Hope’: Contemporary Latin@ Immigration Fiction for the EFL-Classroom”Nele Rodiek (MLU Halle-Wittenberg) |
12:30 | Feedback and Farewell | |
14:00 | Tour of Wittenberg |

The conference will be held at the Leucorea Foundation in the city of Wittenberg.
Situated in the heart of Wittenberg, the Leucorea Foundation represents an ideal conference venue providing ample space for conference sessions as well as for lodging and board for all participants.
For further information please visit the Leucorea Foundation’s website.
The address of the Leucorea Foundation is:
Stiftung Leucorea
Collegienstraße 62
06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg

Situated in the heart of Wittenberg, the Leucorea Foundation represents an ideal conference venue providing ample space for conference sessions as well as for lodging and board for all participants.
With direct access to Wittenberg’s central pedestrian area, the Leucorea is located in close proximity to the Luther House, in which Martin Luther spent most of his active life, and St. Mary’s Church with the famous altar designed by Lucas Cranach the Elder.
You will be lodging at the Leucorea in single rooms (unless booked otherwise). The rooms at the Leucorea are fully equipped with en-suite bathrooms, television, telephone, and internet access. Catering service will supply us with breakfast and coffee/tea during breaks.
Rates for additional nights (single room) and double rooms are:
single room: 35,00 EUR/night
double room (for two persons): 45 EUR/night
*These rates do not include breakfast.
For further information please visit the Leucorea Foundation’s website.
By train
Take a train to Lutherstadt Wittenberg Hauptbahnhof (main station).
You can check timetables and book a ticket on the website of the Deutsche Bahn AG.
The walking distance from the train station to the Leucorea is approx. 10 minutes. Alternatively, you can take a taxi.
By car
The address of the Leucorea, Collegienstraße, is a pedestrian area only. Therefore, please enter ‘Wallstraße’ into your GPS. This street will lead you to the Leucorea’s (rather limited) parking area and also offers further public parking areas.
Prof. Dr. Erik RedlingManaging Director Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg |
Dr. Julia NitzOrganizer Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg |
Please register at julia.nitz@amerikanistik.uni-halle.de
Deadline: September 30, 2017
Payment details
teachers: 120€
teacher students (Referendare): 60€
students: 30€ (funded by ZLB Sachsen-Anhalt)
Payment must be received by October 27, 2017.
Please transfer the sum total to the following account:
Universität Halle-Wittenberg
IBAN: DE05 8100 0000 0080 0015 24
Purpose of payment: ASC-meeting 2017
Lehrfortbildung, Kursnummer:
WT 2017-400-68
Thillm akkreditiert